Article on organic natural baby skin care


Posted by James Hannan on

Created by mother and daughter team, Kerrie and Lauren, Pod Organics offers a gorgeous collection of Australian-made, organic skincare products for both Mum and baby. Designed for pregnancy, newborn and beyond, their products are a celebration of motherhood, providing soothing care for the most sensitive skin. Their 100% organic and vegan formulations are endorsed by experts in the field, ensuring you indulge in the finest skincare without compromising on safety or quality for you and your little ones. Staying true to their mission of developing products that are all natural, organic and sustainable, they are committed to providing clean, safe and effective products for the whole family. Here Lauren shares their story so far with The Natural Parent Magazine.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Pod Organics is the culmination of my life’s quest to find a natural and organic solution that would soothe, calm and treat sensitive skin conditions, but still felt luxurious and special. Throughout my life, both before and since having children, I have experienced several skin and health conditions and now my little ones have developed minor skin irritations also.

When I became a mum, I didn’t want to lose the part of myself that loved using beautiful luxury and organic body products but didn’t want to use those products on my babies as they were so targeted to adults and baby’s skin is so sensitive. I wanted products that are versatile, multi-purpose (mum life), suitable for super sensitive skin and are gender neutral (no floral scents for my builder hubby!). So, with a lot of passion and the help and support of an amazing team, Pod Organics was borne!

As a mum, I understand how important it is to know what you are putting in and on you and your baby. We wanted to create a range of products that were luxury for Mum, safe for baby, and suitable for the whole family.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

The story of how we came to be Pod Organics is quite special. My co-founder and Mum, Kerrie, approached me with the question one day of going into business together. We were both at a crossroads in our careers.

Having both come from corporate backgrounds, with Kerrie’s experience in cosmetics and Lauren’s experience and passion for health and wellness, within one conversation the idea to start a pregnancy and newborn safe skincare range was brought to life.

We knew right away what products we wanted to create, what visions we wanted to bring to life and more than anything, that we wanted to work together, as mother and daughter, to create our own paths and build an incredible company.

We spent the first 12 months prior to launching building our foundations, ensuring our trademarking was done, testing and trialling our products, creating focus groups and trial groups with different women to get feedback and understand the market.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Being a startup business meant that there was a ton of advice, critique, courses, etc., thrown our way. There was so much noise and so many options of what to focus on first.

My biggest breakthrough was blocking out the noise and focusing on the business. Aligning myself with people I trusted and who empowered was and will continue to be a key to our success.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I have an incredible support network and village. I am very lucky to have so many people around me that help organise and prioritise. I have also learnt to relinquish some control. I can’t do it all, all at once. Trusting others to help is key.

I am a very organised and routine-based person, which helps create synergy in my business and family life. I have learnt that trying to do it all, all at one time, doesn’t work. I try to lean into what is most necessary and needed at any one time rather than trying to have multiple balls in the air.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

In the start-up world there are so many challenges! Two that I would like to highlight are below.

We did a soft launch online initially and a couple of months later, launched to retail at the Naturally Good exhibition. Two weeks after launching at the exhibition, we went into the second, very long lockdown of Covid. The entire retail landscape changed with this lockdown. It was the first time that retailers closed their ranging, especially in our category. We really had to be patient and hone in on our messaging.

Another challenge that we have overcome, and I feel like it’s something many business owners go through, was our messaging. It is so easy to say you can be everything to everyone, but we learnt not to be afraid to niche down. Once we did this, we noticed a huge turnaround within the business.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Wow, if I had been asked 6 years ago if I would run my own business, I would have said no way! Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The biggest pro for me would be creating something that you are so passionate about, persevering and learning, then seeing it gain traction and grow is incredible. The lessons you learn along the way, and the people you build relationships with, they are all big positives, even if they don’t feel like it at the time.

The downsides are certainly long hours, the juggle and the feeling of not switching off. All of these are tough but if you can persevere and keep going with your eye on the prize, it makes it all worthwhile.

For my children to see that you can create something, work at it and call it your own is such a big positive also.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

We have been named the Best Natural Baby Brand in Australia by the Beauty Shortlist Awards and have won 34 awards in 24 months. We are currently working to grow and expand into international markets. To be able to bring our premium, Australian-made skincare range to the international stage is where our sights are set for the next few years.



You can read the original article here: Natural Parent Magazine

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